Gpass.SPECIAL_MASKS.ONE_REVERSE : Displays the last character of the input password in plaintext, and the rest of them in '*' characters, similar to some website password inputs. Can also be achieved by using '*' as the mask.

Gpass.SPECIAL_MASKS.DEFAULT_MASK : Uses the '*' character to mask every single input character. Can also be used with mask=None or mask=''
Python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

InstallationĪ PyPI installation can be achieved by python3 -m pip install gpassĪ build from source can be done by git clone This program was created to avert the same, along with create more types of possible masks for the passwords. However, many a times, piping, storing and redirection of the output often leads to the program not allowing the developer to safely input the password. It is a variation of the stdiomask utility which allows users to securely input passwords onto the terminal. GPass is a flexible and easy to use, terminal based password input utility