Magic engine 1.1.3 crack
Magic engine 1.1.3 crack

magic engine 1.1.3 crack

You can go into a shallow dive from that 10km altitude - sometimes that can be enough to get you over the hump. Rapiers in general are pretty gutless around Mach 1, and whiplashes may get your plane to a decent speed, where your rapiers can't. There is a chance that if you do your acceleration at 0km to 5km, instead of 10km, that your rapiers will have enough guts to get you over Mach 1. Tweaking the wing incidence can make your plane go faster. Tricks for choosing less draggy parts to accomplish the same task. Using more MK1 parts and fewer MK2 and MK3 parts. Removing control surfaces and drag-based stabilizers. It sounds like you have more oxidizer in your plane than you need. Would really help if you could post a screenshot of your ship- there's a good chance that would make the issue obvious at a glance to experienced folks, who could then offer very specific suggestions for improving the design. Perhaps a spaceplane expert (there are tons of them around here!) will chime in. KSP's aero model can be a little idiosyncratic, and sometimes there's a disconnect between how much drag a part looks like it should cause, and how much it actually does.Īdmittedly I don't fly a lot of spaceplanes (I'm more of a rocket guy), but that's my impression based on the limited spaceplane flights I've done. Turn on the aero overlay with F12 and make sure you don't have any unexpected drag sources. The other possibility is that it's not under-engined, it's over-draggy. If your ship can't get past 300 m/s in level flight at 10 km, my guess is that it's under-engined. Not saying that's necessarily the problem in your case, but that's often it. The usual problem with spaceplanes that have trouble getting there is that they don't have quite enough engine on them. I am using Procedutal WIngs and Procedural Fueltanks Any suggestions? More air? SRBs to kick me over the threshold? Weird flight profile?ĮDIT: A screenshot of the ship in question can be foudn here: I generally peak at 300m/s at 10km in level flight. The problem is to get over that magical threshold. The engines start to really kick in and get the whole thing to about 30 km and 1400m/s at wich point I can switch modes and voila!. When (or IF) the plane reaches a speed of 450 - 500 m/s at around 10 km there is no stopping it any more. I am also very sure, that the engines (let's disregard the Nerfs for now as they should not become active until the thing is in space) are powerful enough. The design is rather stable in most situations (it gets a little wobbly at around 30km altitude). The whole aerodynamics and stability side of things is not really an issue. engines (one shock cone air intake for each) for ascent and two Nerf nuclear engines for when it's in space.

magic engine 1.1.3 crack

So I have come up with a design that is powered by two R.A,P.I.E.R. Url("$rootDir/././.So I am once again at that point in my career where I want to build an SSTO spaceplane (optimally one that is capable of of a round-trip to Minmus). All of the Detox artifacts are provided via the npm module Url("$rootDir/./node_modules/jsc-android/dist") Url("$rootDir/./node_modules/react-native/android")

Magic engine 1.1.3 crack android#

All of React Native (JS, Obj-C sources, Android binaries) is installed from npm

magic engine 1.1.3 crack

NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here they belong My adle // Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.Ĭlasspath(":gradle:4.2.1") I added to build.repositories jcenter() and to allprojects.repositories jcenter(), after that I build the react-native app and it works fine. I already had the compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion on version number 30. Declare repository providing the artifact, see the documentation at If the artifact you are trying to retrieve can be found in the repository but without metadata in 'Maven POM' format, you need to adjust the 'metadataSources ' of the repository declaration. > Could not find :constraint-layout:1.1.3. > Could not resolve all files for configuration ':app:debugRuntimeClasspath'. Execution failed for task ':app:checkDebugAarMetadata'. I am getting this error while running my app.

Magic engine 1.1.3 crack